Now Shopping: Poles & Branches
Birch sticks, Branches, Logs, Birch poles. Bundle of six sticks
Birch Logs/Poles ( Four ) 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" D x 4 ft to 7 Ft
Birch Logs/Poles ( Four ) 1 " to 1 1/2" D x 4 ft to 7 Ft
Alder Forked Limbs 2 limbs- 5 to 6ft tall
Alder Forked Limbs 5- 3' to 4' tall
Alder Multi Forked Limbs 5' to 6' tall
Alder Forked Poles ( One Pole )
Alder Forked Limbs 5- 5' to 6' tall
Alder Multi Forked Limbs 3' to 4' tall